Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1st time blogger

Hello world,
This is my first time blogging.. so not sure of the procedure and I know my ghetto slang  and grammatically incorrect lango may detour a few readers which is fine by me.
Since this is not a thesis or written for anyone other than those that know me I will stick to my regular ebonic slang.
I just wanted to share the news of Love in the air... within the past couple of months I have had 3 girlfriends get engaged and/married!
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
They all deserve it and I wish them the Bestest!
I want nothing more than all my single friends to come over to this side and join me in my day to day reeeal life marriage chat.
1st of all I guess I should explain my title "Real Atlanta Housewife".
I don't drive a Benz or BMW,Toyota baby...
I live in an average neighborhood of houses under 200k.
And, My husband and I both have to work to make ends meet.
Me and girlfriends often discuss Reality T.V. and we believe that reality t.v. isn't 
always our Realitly!
We wish there was a real reality show that showcased Real People doing day to day real world 
Going to work from 9-5, picking up kids (ok i know i dont have kids yet), coming home cleaning, cooking dinner and trying to keep the "Fire and Desire" in the bedroom!
Or would that show be sooo totally boring that there would be No viewers??
Is America really interested in Real Life Reality? 
What is the definition of Housewife??
I have sooo much to chat about and no time to touch on everything in my first blog.
I look forward to blogging more soon...


  1. Hey Girl,

    I am so proud of you. You are doing well so far. All you need to do is capitalize the 'H' in Housewives (your title!)

    I ain't got a lot of time to talk, got to get back to da kids!!!
    Peace & Love,

  2. Yo go girl.... I love it it!!! I will definitely be following along with you. Keep 'em coming...
